Indoor plant specialist, florist and educator Anna Macoboy is passionate about creating wild and beautiful designs with nature. Her work is influenced by naturalistic landscape design and the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which she interprets as an appreciation of the imperfections and transience of natural beauty.
Anna studied botany at the New York Botanical Garden and spent several years honing her indoor plant knowledge and floristry skills at such renowned New York businesses as Sprout Home, Stonefruit Botanical and Tula. She also worked as a stylist on the Sprout Home book, Rooted in Design.
Anna is dedicated to spreading plant knowledge and understanding and over more than a decade has taught plant education and design workshops at dozens of locations in Australia and the USA, including the New York Botanical Garden, Chelsea Garden Center, Henry Summer and Stackwood.
Anna lives in Walyalup (Fremantle) on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar with her husband and two girls.
Photo by Annelie Hansen.